Thursday, July 30, 2009

Awards 2009

The Government has announced the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Awards, Arjuna Awards, Dhyan Chand Awards, Dronacharya Awards and Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar for the year 2009, in New Delhi. The selection panel for Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award, Arjuna Award, Dhyan Chand Award and Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar was headed by Kum. Indu Puri while the panel for Dronacharya Award was headed by Shri G.S. Randhawa.
Normally, the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award is given to only one sportsperson in a year. Arjuna Award is given to not more than 15, Dhyan Chand Award to not more than 3 and Dronacharya Award to not more than 5 persons. However, taking into consideration the spectacular performance of Shri Vijender in Boxing and Shri Sushil Kumar in Wrestling, both Bronze Medalists in Beijing Olympics, 2008, the Government has accepted the recommendation of the Selection Committee to confer the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award on both of them, as a special case, in addition to Smt. M.C. Marykom.
With a view to recognizing the contribution made to sports development by entities other than sportspersons and coaches, Government has instituted this year, a new award entitled Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar, which has four categories, namely, community sports development, promotion of sports academies of excellence, support to elite sportspersons and employment to sportspersons.

A. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award - 2009 :
Smt. Mangte Chungneijang Marykom
Boxing (Women)
Shri Vijender
Shri Sushil Kumar

B. Arjuna Awards – 2009:
Shri Mangal Singh Champia
Kum. Sinimole Paulose
Kum. Saina Nehwal
Smt. Laishram Sarita Devi
Kum. Tania Sachdev
Shri Gautam Gambhir
Shri Ignace Tirkey
Hockey (Men)
Kum. Surinder Kaur
Hockey (Women)
Shri Pankaj Navanath Shirsat
Shri Satish Joshi
Shri Ronjan Sodhi
Kum. Poulomi Ghatak
Table Tennis
Shri Yogeshwar Dutt
Shri Girdhari Lal Yadav
Kum. Parul D. Parmar
Badminton (Disabled)

C. Dhyan Chand Awards – 2009 :
Shri Ishar Singh Deol
Shri Satbir Singh Dahya

D. Dronacharya Awards – 2009 :
Shri Pullela Gopichand
Shri Jaydev Bisht
Shri S. Baldev Singh
Shri Satpal

E. Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar, 2009 :
S. No.
Entity recommended for Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar, 2009
Community Sports Identification and Nurturing of Budding Young Talent
TATA Steel Ltd.
Financial Support for Sports Excellence
None qualified
Establishment and Management of Sports Academies of Excellence
TATA Steel Ltd.
Employment of Sportspersons and sports welfare measures
Railways Sports Promotion Board

National Sports Awards are given every year to recognize and reward excellence in sports. Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award is given for spectacular performance in the year under consideration; Arjuna Award is given for consistently outstanding performance for three consecutive years preceding the year of award; Dhyan Chand Award for life time contribution to sports development; and Dronacharya Award for producing medal winners at prestigious international sports events in the past three years.
Apart from a medal and a citation, Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Awardees will receive a cash prize of Rs.7.5 lakh each. Arjuna, Dhyan Chand and Dronacharya Awardees will receive statuettes, citations and cash prize of Rs.5 lakh each. The recipients of Rashtriya Khel Protsahan Puruskar will receive trophy and citation.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Financial & Economic Acronyms

1)     ACF Auto-Correlation Function
2)     AD Authorized Dealer
3)     ADB Asian Development Bank
4)     ADR American Depository Receipt
5)     AFS Annual Financial Statement
6)     AGM Annual General Meeting
7)     AIRCSC All India Rural Credit Survey Committee
8)     AO Additive Outliers
9)     AR Auto Regression
10)ARIMA Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average
11)AFS Available For Sale

12)ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
13)ATM Automated Teller Machine
14)BIS Bank for International Settlements
15)BOI Bank of India
16)BOP Balance of Payments
17)BPM5 Balance of Payments Manual, 5th edition
18)BPSD Balance of Payments Division,
19)BSCS Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
20)BSR Basic Statistical Returns
21)CAD Capital Account Deficit
22)CAG Controller and Auditor General of
23)CBS Consolidated Banking Statistics India
24)CC Cash Credit
25)CD Certificate of Deposit
26)CD Ratio Credit Deposit Ratio
27)CDBS Committee of Direction on Banking Statistics
28)CF Company Finance.
29)CFRA Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts
30)CGRA Currency and Gold Revaluation Account
31)CII Confederation of Indian Industries
32)CO Capital Outlay
33)CP Commercial Paper
34)CPI Consumer Price Index
35)CR Capital Receipts
36)CRAR Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio
37)CRR Cash Reserve Ratio
38)CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
39)CSO Central Statistical Organization
40)CVC Central Vigilance Commission
41)DAP Development Action Plan
42)DBOD Department of Banking Operations and Development
43)DBS Department of Banking Supervision, RBI
44)DCA Department of Company Affairs
45)DCB Demand Collection and Balance
46)DCCB District Central Cooperative Bank
47)DCM Department of Currency Management, RBI
48)DD Demand Draft
49)DDS Data Dissemination Standards
50)DEIO Department of External Investments and Operations
51)DESACS Department of Statistical Analysis & Computer Services, RBI
52)DGBA Department of Government and
53)Bank Accounts, RBI
54)DGCI&S Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics
55)DI Direct Investment
56)DICGC Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India
57)DID Discharge of Internal Debt
58)DMA Departmentalized Ministries Account
59)DRI Differential Rate of Interest Scheme
60)DSBB Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board
61)DVP Delivery versus Payment
62)ECB External Commercial Borrowing
63)ECB European Central Bank
64)ECGC Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
65)ECS Electronic Clearing Scheme
66)EDMU External Debt Management Unit
67)EEA Exchange Equalization Account
68)EEC European Economic Community
69)EEFC Exchange Earners Foreign Currency
70)EFR Exchange Fluctuation Reserve
71)EPF Employees Provident Fund
72)EXIM Bank Export Import Bank of India
73)FCA Foreign Currency Assets
74)FCCB Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
75)FCNR Foreign Currency Non-resident
76)FCNRA Foreign Currency Non-resident Account
77)FCNRD Foreign Currency Non-Repatriable Deposit
78)FDI Foreign Direct Investment
79)FEMA Foreign Exchange Management Act
80)FI Financial Institution
81)FICCI Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
82)FII Foreign Institutional Investor
83)FIMMDA Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India
84)FISIM Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured
85)FLAS Foreign Liabilities and Assets Survey.
86)FOF Flow Of Funds
87)FPI Foreign Portfolio Investment
88)FRA Forward Rate Agreement
89)FRBM Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003
90)FRN Floating Rate Note
91)FSS Farmers’ Service Societies
92)FWG First Working Group on Money
93)GDP Gross Domestic Product
94)GDR Global Depository Receipt
95)GFD Gross Fiscal Deficit
96)GFS Government Finance Statistics
97)GIC General Insurance Corporation
98)GLS Generalized Least Squares
99)GNIE Government Not Included Elsewhere
100)        GoI Government of India
101)        GPD Gross Primary Deficit
102)        G-Sec Government Securities
103)        HDFC Housing Development Finance Corporation
104)        HFT Held For Trading
105)        HICP Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices
106)        HO Head Office
107)        HUDCO Housing & Urban Development Corporation
108)        IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
109)        IBS International Banking Statistics
110)        ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research
111)        ICICI Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
112)        ICMR Indian Council of Medical Research
113)        IDB India Development Bonds
114)        IDBI Industrial Development Bank of India
115)        IDD Industrial Development Department
116)        IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
117)        IFC International Finance Corporation
118)        IFCI Industrial Finance Corporation of India.
119)        IFR Investment Fluctuation Reserve
120)        IFS International Financial Statistics
121)        IGLS Iterative Generalized Least Squares
122)        IIBI Industrial Investment Bank of India
123)        IIP Index of Industrial Production
124)        IIP/InIP International Investment Position
125)        IMD India Millennium Deposits
126)        IMF International Monetary Fund
127)        INR Indian Rupee
128)        IOTT Input-Output Transaction Table
129)        IP Interest Payment
130)        IRBI Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India
131)        ISDA International Swaps and Derivative Association
132)        ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification
133)        ISO International Standards Organization
134)        ITRS International Transaction Reporting  System
135)        IWGEDS International Working Group on External Debt Statistics
136)        KVIC Khadi & Village Industries Corporation
137)        LAF Liquidity Adjustment Facility
138)        LAMPS Large-sized Adivasi Multipurpose Societies
139)        LAS Loan & Advances by States
140)        LBD Land Development Bank
141)        LBS Locational Banking Statistics
142)        LERMS Liberalised Exchange Rate Management System
143)        LIC Life Insurance Corporation of India
144)        LS Level Shift
145)        LT Long Term
146)        LTO Long Term Operation
147)        M1 Narrow Money
148)        M3 Broad Money
149)        MA Moving Average
150)        MCA Ministry of Company Affairs
151)        MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
152)        MIS Management Information System
153)        MMSE Minimum Mean Squared Errors
154)        MoF Ministry of Finance
155)        MOF Master Office File
156)        MRM Monitoring and Review Mechanism
157)        MSS Market Stabilisation Scheme
158)        MT Mail Transfer
159)        MTM Mark-To-Market
160)        NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
161)        NAC(LTO) National Agricultural Credit (Long Term Operatiion)
162)        NAIO Non Administratively Independent Office
163)        NAS National Account Statistics
164)        NASSCOM National Association of Software and Services Companies
165)        NBC Non-Banking Companies
166)        NBFC Non Banking Financial Companies
167)        NEC Not Elsewhere Classified
168)        NEER Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
169)        NFA Non-Foreign Exchange Assets
170)        NFD Net Fiscal Deficit
171)        NGO Non-Governmental Organization
172)        NHB National Housing Bank
173)        NIC National Industrial Classification
174)        NIF Note Issuance Facility
175)        NNML Net Non-Monetary Liabilities
176)        NPA Non-Performing Assets
177)        NPD Net Primary Deficit
178)        NPRB Net Primary Revenue Balance
179)        NPV Net Present Value
180)        NR(E)RA Non-Resident (External) Rupee Account
181)        NR(NR)RA Non-Resident (Non-Reparable) Rupee Account
182)        NRE Non-Resident External
183)        NRG Non-Resident Government
184)        NRI Non-Resident Indian
185)        NSC National Statistical Commission
186)        NSSF National Small Savings Fund
187)        OD Over Draft
188)        ODA Official Development Assistance
189)        OECD Organization for Economic
190)        Cooperation and Development
191)        OECO Organisation for Economic Co-operation
192)        OFI Other Financial Institutions
193)        OLTAS Online Tax Accounting System
194)        OMO Open Market Operations
195)        OSCB Other Indian Scheduled Commercial Bank
196)        PACF Partial Auto-Correlation Function
197)        PACS Primary Agriculture Credit Societies
198)        PCARDB Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
199)        PD Primary Deficit
200)        PDAI Primary Dealers Association of India
201)        PDO Public Debt Office
202)        PDO-NDS Public Debt Office-cum-Negotiated Dealing System
203)        PDs Primary Dealers
204)        PES Public Enterprises Survey
205)        PF Provident Fund
206)        PIO Persons of Indian Origin
207)        PNB Punjab National bank
208)        PO Principal Office
209)        PRB Primary Revenue Balance
210)        PSE Public Sector Enterprises
211)        PUC Paid Up Capital
212)        QRR Quick Review Report
213)        RBI Reserve Bank of India
214)        RD Revenue Deficit
215)        RDBMS Relational Database Management System
216)        RE Revenue Expenditure
217)        REC Rural Electrification Corporation
218)        REER Real Effective Exchange Rate
219)        RFC Residents Foreign Currency
220)        RIB Resurgent India Bonds
221)        RIDF Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
222)        RLA Recoveries of Loans & Advances
223)        RLC Repayment of Loans to Centre
224)        RMB Renminbi (Chinese)
225)        RNBC Residuary Non-Banking Companies
226)        RO Regional Office
227)        RoCs Registrars of Companies
228)        RPA Rupee Payment Area
229)        RPCD Rural Planning and Credit
230)        Department, RBI
231)        RR Revenue Receipts
232)        RRB Regional Rural Bank
233)        RTP Reserve Tranche Position
234)        RUF Revolving Underwriting Facility
235)        RWA Risk Weighted Asset
236)        SAM Social Accounting Matrix
237)        SAS Statistical Analysis System
238)        SBI State Bank of India
239)        SC Schedule Caste
240)        SCARDB State Cooperative Agriculture and
241)        Rural Development Bank
242)        SCB State Cooperative Bank
243)        SCB Scheduled Commercial Bank
244)        SCS Size Class Strata
245)        SDDS Special Data Dissemination Standards
246)        SDR Special Drawing Right
247)        SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India
248)        SEBs State Electricity Boards
249)        SFC State Financial Corporation
250)        SGL Subsidiary General Ledger
251)        SGSY Swarnajayanthi  Gram Swarrojgar Yojana
252)        SHGs Self-Help Groups
253)        SIDBI Small Industries Development Bank of India
254)        SIDC State Industrial Development Corporation
255)        SI-SPA Systems Improvement Scheme under Special Project Agriculture
256)        SJSRY Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana
257)        SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio
258)        SLRS Scheme for Liberation & Rehabilitation of Scavangers
259)        SMG Standing Monitoring Group
260)        SNA System of National Accounts
261)        SRWTO Small road & Water Transport Operators
262)        SSI Small-Scale Industries
263)        SSSBEs Small Scale Service & Business Enterprises
264)        ST Schedule Tribe
265)        SWG Second Working Group on Money
266)        TBs Treasury Bills
267)        TC Temporary Change
268)        TT Telegraphic Transfer
269)        UBB Uniform Balance Book
270)        UBD Urban Banks Department
271)        UCB Urban Cooperative Bank
272)        UCN Uniform Code Number
273)        US United States
274)        USD US Dollars
275)        UTI Unit Trust of India
276)        VC Venture Capital
277)        WGMS Working Group on Money Supply:
278)        WPI Wholesale Price Index
279)        WSS Weekly Statistical Supplement
280)        YTM Yield to Maturity
281)        ZO Zonal Office.